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St Augustine Day


In July, we met up with my good childhood friend Jamie,  in St. Augustine. 

Jamie and I have been friends since we were in the 6th grade. Over the years we've drifted in and out of contact as life drifted us in various directions. Over the past year, we have been able to reconnect and introduce our children to one another. In a neat twist of events, her Liam and my Rye have become friends, too.

 So I guess you could say it was a double play date :) We rode the Ripley's Red Trains and the carousel in Davenport Park  (Say, do you know the difference between a carousel and a merry-go-round? We do.) And we rode out the rain in the nearby Dunkin Donuts. It was a really great day. 

If you ever have an occasion to tour St. Augustine, take it. Learn stuff. It is a fascinating old city. I plan to go again sometime and pay closer attention to the details. And to take pictures. Again. Because the entire roll of our day together was lost to a corrupt SD card. (I've tried multiple recovery programs to no avail) It makes me heart sick to think about. I really love pictures. ( I think this is in large part because of my horrible memory... pictures help.) And I really love my friend. Glad she can't be erased by corruption. ::winky face:: 

Oddly enough, the last time we got together at the beach, I was so busy enjoying our visit that I didn't think to take pictures. 

If I didn't know better, I'd think it was a cosmic conspiracy. Since I do know better, I know  it's just sucky luck. (Filthy language, I know... but I didn't know a more fitting word...sorry) 

Once Jamie & Liam got back on the road towards their location, my group made a pit stop at Gator Bob's and ended up waiting out more rain in their coin-op lobby. This five minutes was the only time I used my phone's camera. I had purposely used an actual camera for the day's visit so that I could take a lot of photos-(my phone had little space available at the time.) Figures, don't it?