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Showing posts from March, 2019

The Grieving of Elphaba

I will say this, woman to woman, (knowing well you are here and how our curiosity works): My problem is not with you. I am not on a campaign to intervene in anyone's new-found happiness. Asking for obligations to be honored is not asking for a resurrection of what has died. You are welcome here, step into the light. Isn't it odd we've never been introduced? And as with Ace, his first wife, your comments and questions, the versions of stories you're told or need to tell, will always have an open forum with me. That is who I choose to be- as a human, not just an ex-tra player in the scene. And there's a difference that no one but Ace could know... I asked her in the best way I knew how. She was gracious, gave me an honest summary... but didn't divulge details that may have helped me see. Not one part of this, none of the story with me is her fault, I am not casting blame... but I wanted to know - didn't want to encroach- but was too young and inexperienced to ...