August's archives are scant, too. And I know why - I remember me then... I was more fully present in those moments. Phones didn't work as well out on the islands, and using them as cameras full time was still a while away. We built sandcastles and combed the beach for horseshoe crabs, we visited friends and spent a lot of time outside. We went to the tiny Gullah library housed inside the elementary school and drove into downtown from time to time.
This has always been one of my favorite photos because it reminds me of the little blue boats I used to love to ride at SixFlags as a child. It only needs a bell.
I miss early morning beach walks. One morning, just before the sun rose, I heard a sound in the water. I had been watching one spot in the clouds for the sun to break for what felt like an eternity, but the sound caused me to look away. It was in that exact moment, of course, the clouds were finally pierced through by the pink gold glow of sunrise. But the sound had been a shark. The first one I've ever seen 'in the wild' not attached to a fishing line or being bludgeoned to death with a hammer. It has always stuck with me how the shark was cutting across the tidelines, instead of swimming parallel in the way we most often see them depicted.
The back river was another place I would see a shark in the water. Our friends from church had us over and took us out on their boat. I had never thought of sharks living anywhere besides the ocean floor. Turns out they're everywhere...sometimes even on land.
Long before adult coloring books became a trend, my inner child has been given free reign to surface and remind me how to play. This castle was one of those times...
Whether sharks or sunrises, each new day holds a story worth looking for. I didn't miss the sunrise that morning, I was just slightly delayed. Delays can add depth to my story, let me not forget.
This has always been one of my favorite photos because it reminds me of the little blue boats I used to love to ride at SixFlags as a child. It only needs a bell.
I miss early morning beach walks. One morning, just before the sun rose, I heard a sound in the water. I had been watching one spot in the clouds for the sun to break for what felt like an eternity, but the sound caused me to look away. It was in that exact moment, of course, the clouds were finally pierced through by the pink gold glow of sunrise. But the sound had been a shark. The first one I've ever seen 'in the wild' not attached to a fishing line or being bludgeoned to death with a hammer. It has always stuck with me how the shark was cutting across the tidelines, instead of swimming parallel in the way we most often see them depicted.
The back river was another place I would see a shark in the water. Our friends from church had us over and took us out on their boat. I had never thought of sharks living anywhere besides the ocean floor. Turns out they're everywhere...sometimes even on land.
Long before adult coloring books became a trend, my inner child has been given free reign to surface and remind me how to play. This castle was one of those times...
Whether sharks or sunrises, each new day holds a story worth looking for. I didn't miss the sunrise that morning, I was just slightly delayed. Delays can add depth to my story, let me not forget.