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The Decade Challenge: July 2009

Life on Harbor was peaceful and laid back. It was every bit of 10 miles to 'the mainland' for groceries and gas. The area is home to many Gullah people and I enjoyed being surrounded by their culture. Being in a remote location meant less sometimes, but there were times that 'outreach' programs meant more... 

On this day, we had a personal audience with Mr. Ronald McDonald himself. If I recall, there were a few more children who stopped in after we said good bye, but as a general rule, there wasn't a crowded, touristy vibe and most children were locals. 

I miss my children at this age and being a part of their lives everyday. I miss days infused with curiosity and creativity. I hope the seeds of wonder & joy planted in those days spread like kudzu vine, someday wrapping around grandchildren's hearts and minds.  


This secret handshake was revealed following our weeklong VBS activities, which included 

water-fun, laughter and making new friends. 

Hindsight peddles perspective and I see now that moving away from a place where we had started to make friends was... predictable and par for the course. 

Lo &  Maddie: