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Showing posts from July, 2020

The Decade Challenge: July 2010 - Freedom & Boot Camp

In July 2010 , we celebrated Independence Day on Harbor Island and the kids attended Baby Bootie Camp to get ready for new baby sister Riley.      At Bootie Camp, we learned to hold babies, give bottles and change diapers. There were fun foods and lots of shower games, too - like Baby Food Roulette, Baby Sculpting and Bottle Races to list a few. These pictures brought a smile to my face, it is one of my favorite memories. I am grateful for my children and for the times we got to share. 


I looked around the room with grateful affection for the people present and a tinge of sadness over those notably absent. After 43 years, the guest of honor was retiring, exchanging his pulpit for an RVangelism crusade.  (You can retire from church, but never the call.)  The last-minute invitation to attend came after church on a Sunday where I'd just  spent the final hymn and closing prayer at my own church rationalizing naps as biblically-required rest. It had been a long week of all nighters and challenging circumstances. The week ahead promised more of the same.  Had they said 'Amen' yet or had I nodded off again? It was that kind of Sunday.  It is hard to admit I was struggling because it is always hard for me to admit that. I can't always put into words where a dilemma lies. If you don't know how to spell elephant, there can't be one in the room, see?  When the low gas light comes on, you can still eek out a good 20 miles if you're lucky - no cause fo...