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Showing posts from August, 2020

Glory Days

The question was:  ' What does this song mean to you ? '  Well sir, if you want to know the truth...  '.. .o n a good day, it's amen. On others, I think maybe I've got myself fooled in one more of my oh-so-clever ways...   When disorder spills over into (what is supposed to be) my reordering season,  I have to admit, I have the capacity to doubt every last thing.  Sometimes I sober up and realize I'm being silly (again) - there is so much to be grateful for.  Other times, I smash the bottle against the wall and snarl 'who. do. you. think. you. are?' It is then I beg Him to draw near...and wait.  Sometimes I wait and wait and wait. It is the only shred of faith I own; to stay here, alive and waiting.' ~ * ~

The Decade Challenge: August 2010 - Wherever We Go

  In August, I began to design some announcements and a website or two for when Riley would be born. Most of my inspiration came from the verses we were given at WinShape and the idea that we were forever hemmed in. Sometimes the memories can be heavy or pinch in all the ways we meant well but went wrong. Tucked somewhere deep in our pockets, we all carry the crumpled drafts of who we used to be, who we intended to be, and who we thought we were.  Write your plans in pencil. Don't throw the rough draft years  away.  Who we are today is who we've spent our lives becoming Bittersweet to re-visit these pages? Well, sure.  But, I still sang along to the songs.  BREWPORT:  RILEY WREN: