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Showing posts from October, 2020


I keep calling it my 'writing project'  But, technically it's a book.  A book I wrote.  And it feels good to be on this side of a finished project.  But it feels  too-big-for-my-britches  to say I wrote a book.  I have an author page now,  too.  And it's neat but it sounds like I think it's something specia l when it's really something anyone can do.  I won't be making money from book sales but the opportunity to add new experience and expand my resume has been invaluable.  I have been staring at the blank pages in my new chapter for some time, and while I don't know everything the story will hold, I have started to write the adventure myself.  Check out my author's page on Amazon ... I think I need more books on my shelf ;) 


 I keep calling it my 'writing project'  But, technically it's a book.  A book I wrote.  And it feels good to be on this side of a finished project.  But it feels  too-big-for-my-britches  to say I wrote a book.  I have an author page now,  too.  And it's neat but it sounds like I think it's something specia l when it's really something anyone can do.  I won't be making money from book sales but the opportunity to add new experience and expand my resume has been invaluable.  I have been staring at the blank pages in my new chapter for some time, and while I don't know everything the story will hold, I have started to write the adventure myself.  Check out my author's page on Amazon ... I think I need more books on my shelf ;) 

Amazon Affiliate Links

 These are amazon affiliate links to Eat Like A Local: Georgia  I don't make a whole lot off of them but I'm saving them here in case I need them sometime. 

The Decade Challenge: October 2010 - Opalescent

 There are no photo records from October 2010. It definitely happened and so did I.  I would have had a birthday that month- as I do every October.  I am thankful for every moment I've been given - every single one.  Here is an old picture of me, doing what I do best. :)   
