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Showing posts from January, 2022

...Love, Like Kudzu...

I love my pastor's heart for other pastors.  He didn't realize a photo would be shared when he sent the text, he just wanted to encourage a fellow pastor as their church plant launched this morning.  I am grateful for the understanding that others may not see: it's an authentic love.  It's not some shallow attempt at networking or building a bigger platform.  Here's how I know:  Once upon a time, my pastor and I shared the same pastor. And he will always kind of be our pastor- he's our dad.   If you've never heard NeedToBreathe's 'Washed By The Water' , go now, listen. It explains the backstory well enough .  ** If you are a fellow PK who finds this song relatable, you are my tribe. I love you. While it is sad and a shame there are so many of us, it is not a waste, my dear friend. And I'm here for you ** God has taken a season of hurt, betrayal and dismay in our family's life and turned it into a harvest of love, multiplied.  Just...

s w e e t

I drink unsweet tea and talk to strangers.  Though many concerned friends have warned that either or both of these things may kill me, a life devoid of at least a little risk is, to me, a bigger tragedy.  On a recent McD's tea run, these two quirks of being me collided in Drive-Thru Lane 2 with a shift manager's concern that she'd just poisoned a diabetic.  When pressed through the seive of a drive-thru speaker box, my dialect of Southern persuasion can cause "A Large Unsweet Tea" to sound like " Uh,  Large, Um... Sweet Tea" (because, why would anyone down here order UNSWEET?!)  So I try to remember to qualify my order when it is repeated:  " Yes, that's right, Unsweet Tea, no sugar."  If I don't find a chance to repeat 'no sugar' the first time, I definitely work it in when I (inevitably) drive back around to switch out the sweet tea I was given for the cup of tea stained water I requested.  My emphasis on "no suga...


There are nights -especially those insomnia steeped nights- when I use therapy tricks on myself to get to Slumberland Street- or at least to keep my mind busy until daylight. I recently shared the Lists of Ten exercise with a friend: Think of ten things you've accomplished today. You should start as small as you need - especially on those most challenging days -  give yourself some credit.  Did you wake up? Count it. Did you get fully dressed? That counts, too. Try to make it to ten, but if not?  On to Round 2: List ten things you'd like to accomplish tomorrow. Start with waking up (or getting to sleep) if you need to.  Rounds 3 through Infinity include: Gratitude, Prayers & Grocery Lists, et al   As I close the door on Twenty-One and peek at the dawn of Twenty-Two, I'll occupy my mind with Lists of Ten while we wait on our company and food.  Challenges This Year:  1.) Withdrawing from School  2.) Unemployment 3.) Resigning a good...