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Great Uncle Wayne

Uncle Wayne's Steak Shack

When we visited The Way Down Yonder, Chuck and I talked of myriad things, of Jeeps and horses; of cabbages and kings. 

One of thoses kings is Uncle Wayne

As the story went, once upon a time, Uncle Wayne stopped on the edge of Chuck's property asking to  take a closer look at the horses. 

"Of course, of course - you can look at my horse!" and their friendship took root right away. 

Uncle Wayne said eventually he planned to get some horses like Chuck's. 

He did! 

In fact, in time, he bought the very same three horses and took them to his home, a three story beauty, built by the craftsmanship of Wayne's own hands. 

Chuck told me about a lonesome stretch of months when Uncle Wayne was out of town, and more importantly of the happy day he returned. It meant something to Chuck that Uncle Wayne stopped by to say hello before he had even stopped by his own home. 

I recognized Wayne from previous stories on other visits we've made.  There are a lot of great stories featuring Chuck & Wayne. Lots of 'em are funny, too.  Uncle Wayne is a man who gets the job done and looks out for his friends. 

Almost as an aside, Chuck mentioned Uncle Wayne's restaurant, Uncle Wayne's BBQ & Steak Shack. It was just another matter-of-fact: Wayne decided to open up a restaurant, and so he did. 

Now,  sometimes Chuck brings Wayne firewood and sometimes Wayne brings Chuck barbeque.  

And in this instance, the restaurant was the backdrop to Chuck's story about the confused looks he gets when he steps in and asks for Uncle Wayne, seeing as how the two barely share a family resemblance.  

And then Chuck said something with more gravity and less chuckle: "It'll be a rough day if anything ever happens to that man."  

I understood that, more than antics and cut-ups, my cousin was describing a true friend. 

Now, Chuck is a real man-about-town in his own hometown - plenty of paths are crossed whenever we accompany him to a store or restaurant. And it is always a delight - birds of a feather really do flock together. 

But, Wayne remained elusive. 

It was the last day of our visit, with only a few hours left on the clock, and we really needed to start homeward.  

As I listened to Chuck describe his good friend, I was sad we had never met him. I wished we could stay longer and find his path to cross.  I started hoping that we could plan another visit soon, meet Wayne then.

And then - providentially, and like a lucky lightening strike, as we were mulling about what to eat on our way out of town, it occured to Chuck that Wayne's restaurant might be open on Sunday. 

It was! 

With 45 minutes til close, we got there just in the nick of time. Now, I don't usually expect the owner of a restaurant to be there  - but I sure hoped Uncle Wayne would be.  

He was! 

The ladies minding the front let Uncle Wayne know he had guests and asked Chuck "You the one brings firewood?" (He is!) 

 We all made pleasant conversation and placed our orders while we waited for the man of the hour. 

Uncle Wayne appeared from the back with pep in his step and precious cargo in his hands - he couldn't wait for us to try some brisket he'd been working on, with a special "magic sauce" that was indeed, nothing short of magical.

You know it's going to be good when the chef is excited for you to try it. 

It was!  

In fact, it was excellent. Especially the brisket, which I enjoyed as a sandwich (to keep our order efficient)   It was so good that by the time I thought to take pictures for online reviews, only a bite or two remained. 

I heard that Uncle Wayne makes a mean steak and since we wanted to be respectful so near closing time, we didn't order many sides, either. We plan to try both when we get on back that way - hopefully sooner than later. 

Wayne and Chuck meandered out back after our delicious meal, while Rye and I talked with the ladies "in the air conditioning". But, we didn't want to keep them from going home, so before too long, we flipped the OPEN sign on our way out and found the fellas out back, diagnosing a sick log splitter.

Uncle Wayne's Steak Shack

I got to spend more time talking with my new Great Uncle Wayne - and he really is Great. 

A trucker pulled in to grab some lunch, and despite the sign flipped to CLOSED, Uncle Wayne stepped inside and made him a plate to-go. 

He pointed to the place where his son, also a trucker, parks his flatbed when he is home. I asked if he ever considered using it as a stage. He turned to his friend and said "See?!" 

Yes, they had thought of that and expansion plans to include a permanent performance area are already under way. 

With Uncle Wayne, plans are always under way. 

Uncle Wayne is a get-up and-go-getter. 

He has a whole truck dedicated to Stuffed Baked Potatoes. Word has it, they'll be starting back the Breakfast Grab & Go Biscuits when school resumes. 

If it hadn't been for the south Georgia swelter - and my need to scoot on back home- we could have talked business ideas and strategies until the cows came home (which is an actual unit of measure in those parts). 

We did talk about TripAdvisor, building a web page, marketing ideas and the like - and if you know me, you already know I'm on standby to help. But if Uncle Wayne's place only ever remains a well-kept, well-supported Waycross secret, that'll be alright by me. 

As we talked about future plans, Wayne said he'd found the difference between dreams and reality to be simply doing the thing, whatever the thing is that needs doing.  

And when we talked about the high-wire risks he took to build his magnificent house, Uncle Wayne smiled as if there's no such thing as workplace accidents or falling from ladders and breaking one's neck,  he explained it like elementary:  "It had to be done, I had no choice

I recognized that blueprint from the house that Daddy built Momma. 

I like to be reminded that there are still good men in this world, men who make plots of land into homes and do the things that need to be done. It is an honor everytime I cross the path of one. 

I'm happy to report that Uncle Wayne has agreed to be my uncle, too. Which is great. (get it?) 

Now we are kin and kindred spirits, too. 

And of course,  this whole thing has been the scenic route (the best kind!) to say, if you find yourself near Waycross when Uncle Wayne is open, you've got to do the thing: get the brisket - with magic sauce-  and tell my Great Uncle Wayne that I send my love. 

Chuck & Wayne

Chuck, Wayne & PatrickChuck, Wayne & Patrick

For Restaurant Details Click HERE