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I have always loved a good nap. Rip Van Winkle yawns and stretches... it shouldn't be long before (s)he greets the world again...


~~~~Shh! We're Studying (for the moment)~~~~~~~~


See ya'll a little later on...

Beaufort, SC

Ok , so this post has not gone AT ALL according to plan. For starters, I wanted to put it up two weeks ago. And then there's the issue about the RHETT GALLERY . I wanted to spend far more time than I have elaborating about this special couple peddling their wares on Beaufort's river front. They have a Gamecock Sculpture that has to be seen to be believed... the feathers are all hand carved but look hand plucked instead- but they offer so much more than that even. Another real deal American Dream....doing what you love, where you love to do it and with the ones you love to be with (in this case family & Southerners) And I finally got to eat at Kathleen's! (fried green tomatoes) For now though, I must leave these un -noted pictures as a bookmark in the story of my love for Beaufort the Beautiful and return when I have longer to linger over the tale. ( LingerLonger - haha -hello Jekyll !) :


I surprised the kids with tickets to Memorial Health's Hockey Classic @ the civic center last night (in the MLK arena,no less... right after our Civil Rights field trip - how appropriate for the upcoming holiday, eh?) GA TECH played FSU and the DAWGS played the GATORS . FSU and the GATORS prevailed last night despite an early advance on the scoreboard by Georgia and Tech's accompanying moral support troop (a pep band and The Ramblin' Wreck .) The Thrasher Cup will be awarded tonight, after the teams do a little dosi do and play another round- we are still trying to thaw out from last night, so we will catch the results via internet tonight. Here are pictures of mostly ice and blurry hockey players. (But also a blurry pic of LoLeece's new hair do)

Our 15

Aletheia Academy students got their 15, seconds, of fame this week. We went to visit the Ralph Mark Gilbert Civil Rights Museum , here in Savannah. We didn't even know if they'd be open with the new construction they've got going on, much less that they'd be filming a news spot at the time of our visit. We learned a lot on Friday's Field Trip- a lot about Civil Rights and about Savannah during that period in History. If there was anything for Savannah to take pride in during that time, it was her peaceful, riot-less status and her reputation, as Dr. Martin Luther King JR put it, "the most integrated city south of the Mason-Dixon." Our tour guide, Iman , was wonderful, as was Jason Davis , reporter for WJCL . I wasn't prepared to go on camera and I resisted the urge to primp and apply lip gloss when they requested a short don't laugh! They said I did just fine and I assured them that was only because hot air is one of my...

The Great Outdoors

Just some quality time with mother nature and "the Troll" from Terabithia (can you spot her?). The bridge is there too- at our local Y the whole time, who knew?!

Chandler's First Game

Last week, Chandler had his first basketball practice (see Fisher's ) which I missed most of thanks to the great turn out at the blood drive ) But, only a few days later, he played his first REAL game-- "with the scoreboard and everything!" The team was given the opportunity to learn about good sportsmanship as they were down a coupla' baskets when the buzzer sounded- Coach Clay took it the worst I believe :)

Fisher's Basketball Practice

Fisher had his first basketball practice last week. Forgive my photography, the flash on my camera has all but gone on strike, and who can blame it really, the way the children drop the thing like a hot potato? I aim to replace the whole set up in the near future--just as soon as my hat catches enough nickels! In the mean time, these dark and blurry pictures are better than stick figure sketches,am I right? (yes,always):