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Earth Day 2008

We celebrated Earth Day by getting outside and absorbing one of Earth's best landscapes: The Seashore. We also became one with the sun and are still radiating its heat today (remind me to tell you about Fisher hiding the sun screen sometime!)

EdVenture Museum

This weekend we attended both a baseball game and Spring Practice for the Gamecocks. Before we left Columbia, we took the kids to the EdVenture Children's Museum (again) .


The other day- was it Thursday perhaps?- I'm not sure, but whichever day it was, the weather was warm enough to warrant a run through the sprinklers-- these are the only images that survived my recent camera malfunction.


A place I forget about until I get bored enough: RETROLAND .... and My RetroLand (which still needs lots of tlc, but not this week)

Lost "Boys"

Lost "Boys" , originally uploaded by kellybrewer . Logan and Chandler got a call back from the Peter Pan audition. They are to be in a group of the Lost Boys. Yesterday was their first read thru. They begin rehearsals this week.

Pets in Heaven

* image from Fisher, my animal-friendly-sensitive-son, asked about animals in heaven the other day. We had been talking about life cycles, the food chain, etc... he witnessed a large cat eat a deer in an animal documentary and was ver sad for the deer. I assured him that the deer would go on to live a happy life in Eternity and went further still to assure him that all animals go to a Happy Place after they die. Chandler, my eldest-know-it-all-son amended my answer quickly and matter of factly by adding: "Not All Animals... DEMON PIGS, Remember?! How could they go to heaven with demons in 'em?" He had me there. image from: