For the most part, ( words you don't normally associate with following a recipe ) we followed the recipe found on Ree Drummond 's site. She has much better photos- if you plan to make this, I highly advise checking her coverage out. What follows is really just a documentation of our attempt to re-create tasty apple fritters- not a "how-to". We had to scrap our deep fryer as the inside coating was beginning to flake. I knew you could fill a pot with oil as a makeshift fryer but I had never been brave enough to try it until I saw Ree's photo coverage. It was less daunting to see that not only had someone else successfully made fritters in a pot of boiling oil, but that they had done so without burning down their kitchen. Heat the oil on Medium... a test drop of batter will let you know if the oil is too hot or not hot enough baed on shade and speed of browning. We halved the batter but not the fruit. So 3 apples went into half the batter. To the other half we ad...