
I dreamt I took a bubble bath in my car.
I remember filling it with the shower's head-
- and making sure to stand under the spray of water, so as not to get wet.
(that makes a whole lotta sense, I know)
I dreamt princeCharming was upset about the whole thing and promptly got behind the wheel, not even bothering to drain the tub. (car?)
I woke up mad at him for being mad with me and also a little puzzled as to how I got the car in the bathroom in the first place.
Must've been something in the water, cause he dreamt about losing his teeth.

( I checked for "bathing in your car" dreams in the dream dictionary (click"teeth") , but surprisingly found nothing)


strike a match and watch it gleam . . .

once you blow it out, doesn't that scent just cover everything for a moment?


"R" is for retro and roots, which are kinda the same, but kinda not.
Retro- to me anyhow- is the past that I have traveled through. In general, it is bunch of stuff that I have set down in exchange for more modern fads and trends. I personally enjoy embracing those things that are "retro"-- occasionally picking up something probably best left in the 70's or 80's.
Check out RETROLAND for a blast of nostalgia
(with any luck, it will be just enough to keep you from buying your nostalgia on ebay, only to remember too late why it was that crushed velvet Elvis -(Elvises?)- went out of style)
But when I think about ROOTS, I hear a voice in my head saying
" My name is Kunta.... Kunta Kinte" ::CRINGE::
And next in line after that "roots reflex" is the idea of the past that has traveled with me and is still integrated in all facets of my life.
Spiritual heritage, especially.
Today, in RETRO- I seriously considered buying terry cloth clothing, like those outfits I was so fond of in my youth-- my younger youth, that is. I still may, though I probably won't admit it when I do. Check it out:

Today in ROOTS, I listened to the pastor of my old home church

(who just happens to be R. Larry Brown), preaching a sermon that dates maybe as far back as when I was there to hear it in person)

( a decade or so AGO-- a marvel this modern technology, ain't it?)

(( LISTEN TO: "Ain't Nobody Like Him" for yourself ))

Compared to my church today

(if you can claim ownership before completing 101-301) there is PLENTY from the old mother ship that I have laid down over the last ten years or so . . things I think a little differently about . . . I won't make a list . . . but despite the different flavorings between the THEN and the NOW, there is still something comforting in Bro. Brown's voice, a sort of security that is hard to find behind the pulpit these days. I don't have a blind faith in him anymore than the next man -- he's not above error or the trappings of an ever growing congregation, but even with a substantial space in time since my last visit home, I know that he doesn't claim to be. Maybe that's part of the comfort? Or perhaps it is knowing that though the congregation is large and "Hagee - like" in appearance, it really did happen all naturally-- a living room congregation with less than 10 folks to start...

I haven't been around the new place long enough to do anything but get lost in the shuffle . . . there are good things coming from the front, and things look dapper all the way around. I am slowly getting acclimated to 5 different "show times" er, I mean, services... but it's hard not to be a skeptic sometimes in a big place with lots of programs. I'm working on it. But since I needed an R today, and since I got to thinking about terry cloth . . . well, I don't know. I guess I just got to thinking about a whole lotta nothing, leading me to nowhere in particular.

Neither old or new is perfect, that's for sure, but Momma always said (sang)

" Make new friends, and keep the old, one is silver the other gold"
Sounds like good advice to me.

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