Halloween/SCC Pumpkin Patch

Halloween is a special holiday in our household and not just because we aren't "cat people".
Our family's very existence can be traced back to the holiday and the first date pC and I shared(ten years ago this year).
~more notable is Fisher's BDay on the 1st because THAT was our second date- the one I swore I wouldn't go on... but I digress

We attempted to celebrate in the traditional way, only to be cut short by a nasty stomach bug that announced it's presence with large volumes of *confetti, thrown haphazardly, and quite spontaneously near the laps of innocent hayride passengers

(Like premarital counseling for the betrothed, I believe vomit cleanup should be a mandatory course when one wants a child...various levels would have to be mastered: Vomit out of carpet, Vomit out of hay, Vomit out of hair, etc. to determine the truly committed parental candidates)

Though our night was cut short, there is some footage for your entertainment ( sadly, none exists of the hayride nor the post hayride clean up effort, those would have been hilarious)

*What do you do with confetti? Throw It UP... precisely

I'd like to thank the academy...

In a recent Worth1000 contest, I entered several rhyming lines about fall(per the contest guidelines) and while I didn't come in last place, I didn't come in first either--you can read the drivel here ( I'm not a huge fan of formalized poetry, but I had some credits to burn and an itchy pen)

The point is, though I didn't score even close to the top (8th, 10th, 11th and 28th out of 29 entries) I feel validated because I've been chosen... not by the Jury (though some of my entries did receive their pat on the back-yay!) but by other contestants in a recent, neighboring photo contest.

The idea was to choose a poem from the poetry contest and capture it in a photo... I received an email notifying me that someone planned to use one of mine :)

But that's not all...

When I went to see his work, I found that others had chosen me too . . .
It was a nice surprise and a little kick of self esteem after bombing the text contest.

Entries for Autumn Diversity:

Entries for Mother Nature:

Good Luck, Ya'll (whoever you are)- and thanks for picking me!


A snapshot of our Boo-tiful "Cocky" pumpkin before taking him to live with our fellow Gamecock fan on the island, Miss Alissa the Librarian.

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