
I am in some sort of crazy cycle rigt now... never getting caught up before a new adventure begins... and that's OK... but until I return to some form of normalacy in life and in blogging, we'll always have pictures. (worth 1000 words a pop, right?!)

This one is amongst my recent favorites:

While on a trip to see Mom and Dad, DeAnna and I were able to catch up with each other for a day at the zoo...

The girls check out a monkey.

The monkey investigates the onlookers.

" Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most curious one of all? "

Making Play Doh

I know that judging by the blog posts, it looks like the students at Aletheia haven't been doing a whole lot. On the contrary, we've posted very little because we've been doing all sorts of things and can't find the time to sit still or find our fingers too messy to type!

Recently, we made play dough using this recipe: Traditional Play Doh

First we mixed the dough, then I placed it in plastic baggies and made a small indention. I then added drops of food coloring and imitation coconut flavoring for scent. Each kids kneaded a few bags to blend the colors in and smooth the dough.


After leaving Atlanta on Chandler's birthday, we headed for Alabama to meet with Clay's friend and business partner, Antonio. Clay and Antonio met this summer during the Week of Champions and it didn't take long for them to realize they were soul mates, meant to be together as often as possible! (can I get an Amen, Gloria?)

We went to Pelham, a suburb of Birmingham, and truly enjoyed getting to know Antonio's family better.

While the men spent time working, the kids and I explored the area.
We visited Oak Mountain State park, where Chandler cried... literally cried... all the way up The Peavine Falls trail, thanks to the confidence his father has shown in my driving ability. The poor kid just knew I was going to drive us over the next curve...
We made it up and down and they all relaxed enough towards the end to enjoy the beauty of the area.
You will also see a handful of shots at football practice... where Mr. Antonio spends a lot of time helping the local middle and high school teams perfect their game:

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