My little sister is 'in retail' and was the first one to bring the Little Mommy Cuddle & Coo babies to my attention. Apparently some parents weren't too keen on having their children reminded by the doll once every few seconds that " Islam is the Light " and began to return them. She mentioned it to me during a visit and I promptly forgot about it for a spell... the way she had described the dolls, I assumed they were an "off brand" doll and figured they'd be recalled in a short amount of time. Fast forward a month or so, I'm visiting Greenville again and need a gift for Christmas. Go figure, I'm looking for a baby doll and not just that, I'm in the market for a black baby doll. I find none at "The Evil Empire" (a.k.a.WalMart) but am told by lil' sis that there is diversity to be found where she works... so I go there. I am on the doll aisle, Baby Islam long forgotten... I am bending to a low shelf when I hear a chorus ...