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Showing posts from September, 2013

Firstborn 14

Our firstborn is Fourteen. Happy Birthday Chandler Brice! You are an awesome young man.  What a tremendous gift it is to know you and be a part of your life.  We Love You!

Little Shredder

Are you ready to rock?

Students @ Work

Pasting & Sorting: Got 'em all! Re-visiting handwriting- because we need to.  "Aging Ape" Learning the sound of Long A "Look, he's got a hat. It's a apple one!"

Back to School

The sun rises on Aletheia Academy's 2013-2014 school year. "Welcome Back~ You've Got Class!"  This year's classroom:  First Day Students:  Chandler will be 14 soon, 8th Grade Logan is 12 until Spring, 7th Grade Fisher is 10 for a few more months,  and let's just say "5th" Grade Rye will be 3 soon, Pre-Preschool (Colors, Shapes, Cut & Paste, ABC's & 123's)

Sesame Crunch Candy

Sesame Crunch Candy (I don't know if that is the official name) is one of my favorites.  In times past, I have had to locate a good health foods store in order to enjoy this treat. Every once in a while, I have been delighted to discover it in a specialty candy shop.  Then I stumbled on this recipe at :  1 cup sesame seeds (about 6 ounces) 3 tablespoons packed light brown sugar 3 tablespoons honey ----------------- Generously coat two large sheets of waxed paper with cooking spray. In a medium skillet, toast the sesame seeds over medium-low heat, stirring often, until they're fragrant and golden, 5 to 7 minutes. In a small saucepan, combine the brown sugar and honey. Cook over low heat, stirring often, until the sugar is melted and the mixture is thick, about 5 minutes (because melted sugar can get quite hot, this is a step best left to parents). Add the sesame seeds to the sugar and stir well with a wooden spoon. Place one sheet of the waxed paper on a work ...

Cotton Candy

We found ourselves at Golden Corral:  (You should have seen how quickly this fluff melted in the heat and humidity of south Georgia on a Sunday afternoon in July.)

Summer Art Camp

Painting on 'real' canvas with 'real' paint.  Preprinted canvas featuring a fish, a frog, a princess and a castle and a butterfly... neon and glitter acrylics... we're doing serious art here.  Ever since Rye got on her Bob Ross kick, she's been asking for a 'white fing' (canvas) to paint on... this was a start.  (Now...where to hang these wonderful pieces of art....hmmm....)

Ballfield Friends

Last of Spring/Summer baseball pics... just in time for Fall Season to start:  Talking to Baby Addison: 


Don't Judge. It's practically a vegetable.   

RyeBird: Being A Birdy

Listening to the birds around us: Deciding that this shirt doubles as suitable feathers: Flappy Girl: Happy Flappy:  All downhill from here: