When we visited The Way Down Yonder , Chuck and I talked of myriad things, of Jeeps and horses; of cabbages and kings. One of thoses kings is Uncle Wayne As the story went, once upon a time, Uncle Wayne stopped on the edge of Chuck's property asking to take a closer look at the horses. " Of course, of course - you can look at my horse !" and their friendship took root right away. Uncle Wayne said eventually he planned to get some horses like Chuck's. He did! In fact, in time, he bought the very same three horses and took them to his home, a three story beauty, built by the craftsmanship of Wayne's own hands. Chuck told me about a lonesome stretch of months when Uncle Wayne was out of town, and more importantly of the happy day he returned. It meant something to Chuck that Uncle Wayne stopped by to say hello before he had even stopped by his own home. I recognized Wayne from previous stories on other visits we've made. There ar...