SINGLE FILE LINES Welcome to my new sub-feature, Single File Lines (by Kelly) That’s me. A Christian divorcee’ and single (again) mom to four fantastic children and a wonderful bonus son. I’ve added this "file" to my regular column, “ The Pretty Good Report ” @ Patheos to share my SWF (single, with family) adventure. When I married, over two decades ago, I never pictured someday I’d be learning the ropes of modern dating alongside my own children, and yet, here we all are, mo’ awkward than a mohawk, monitoring each other's behavior online. The truth is, I wasn’t single for any significant stretch of time the first go round. Fresh out of high school, working as a K4 teacher in the same small Christian school I had just graduated from, I married the father of a student in the neighboring K3 class. All before a year from graduation had passed. Think back with me for just ...