When the news broke today that the Boy Scouts of America went "woke" by changing their name from Boy Scouts of America to Scouting America, opinions were quickly inked and aired - including perspectives from many people I respect and admire in church and Christendom circles. Their resounding opinion was something like: "... a sad measure of society in this day and age ." As the parent of a recently enlisted Scout - that is - a 'girl' Boy Scout- I've had some thoughts and would like to preface all that follows with "We just got here." I realize there may be more ramifications than a mere name change to simplify things. I understand where the mind goes; the fear of eroded foundations and slippery slopes. As my not-even-Tenderfoot-yet 'girl' Boy Scout put it: " If this would have happened a few years ago, before we got involved, we may have been saying the same things." She speaks true. But oh, the power of involvement to ...