Hot Water...

We got it!
(to be exclaimed in Tom Hank's voice from Polar Express)
The SCE&G man came early this morning, bearing gifts of hot wash water and warm showers to all.
(for a nominal fee, of course)
Now all we gotta do is get the rest of our furniture and the cable/internet cut on, and we can begin to settle in.
I know you must be asking yourself how I'm posting if there is no internet... all I can say is "Arrgh, matey that's enough questions outta ye..."
(to be imagined in a piratey voice, otherwise rendered ineffective)
Updates will follow-quite inconsistently and much like a nagging itch

Bluffton-ites (again)

The new (to us) house was vacated earlier than expected, so our move (which was alluded to in another blog: FaltLife) happened this weekend. This is what it looks like this morning:

But no complaints! I'm as rested and ready to go as one gets from a cold sponge bath before bed (gas not on, Memorial Day weekend....go figure) and a floor nap on upside down mattresses (at least it wasn't the box spring)

Updates will persist.

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