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Showing posts from December, 2007

Welcome 2008!

HAPPY 2008! Nothing brings in the New Year quite like organized delinquency. (In GA, they keep us grounded- no airborne explosives) (Fisher not pictured as he was irritable/konked out)

New Year's Eve: Quality Control

Logan joined me on the Volunteer Quality Control team. We tested all of the goodies for the night's festivites for "poison" (it was all tainted- we made the sacrifice of disposing of it for the good of the whole family)


" * I am resolved, no longer to linger..." This week, my thoughts were aimed at the coming "blank slate" that is the New Year and subsequently those notorious " resolutions " we are all so fond of making (then breaking!) I looked RESOLVE up over @ and got the following definitions: While definition #1 is the general thought behind New Year's resolving, I rather like definition #10 "MUSIC- to cause to progress from dissonance (or disharmony) into consonance (harmony)" In 2008, that is what I'd like to accomplish with my own life song. And I'd kind of like a little bit of #9 mixed in there too- to be able to divide something into separate , yet active parts- sounds like better organization to from work, work from play, got to from want to, etc I started to pen a list the other day while we were traveling- it is still lost in luggage land- so until it is unearthed, I share from my very rusty memory (in an ...

Day 3

Ponte Vedra Beach 12/29/2007 Day 3 On day three in Florida, we shunned the hotel's "Great American Grill" breakfast buffet and made a beeline for The Player's Cafe instead. (conveniently located across the street from Woody's BBQ ) Now, before we go much further, I have to admit that, short of stopping next door at Tiffany's Closet for a bargain priced "designer" handbag and pair of shades, The Player's Cafe is pretty much the only highlight of Day 3- we returned home shortly after breakfast- postponing our Disney trip for a time later on, a time when I95 isn't jammed with football traffic. Be that as it may, if only for the walls, this cafe is a spot worth highlighting. This guy is the owner- he makes rounds ensuring customer satisfaction. He both resembles his cartoon and doesn't. The Player's Cafe- TPC hereafter- caters to golfers, locals and families alike. If there isn't a crowd when you arrive, hang on- they are on the way...

Day2, Part 2

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 12/28/2007 Day 2, Part 2 We stayed at the Garden Inn (gotta earn those HHonors points!) and stopped there after our beach stroll to freshen up (and take a quick cat nap) Windblown Beach Bums I guess the nap was very much in order because (and I'm sure you'll be able to see where I'm coming from here, just not "WHY") I rather thought the light fixtures looked as if they were decorated with squirrels. And I also thought that perhaps they were worshipping a giant acorn, or more honestly, a carrot- but that didn't make much sense so I settled on acorn: see it? Another small bit of trivia I noted during our stay was that the curtain rods, shaped like arrows, pointed in different directions on different floors. On the fifth floor, they faced away from each other, but on the second floor they faced point to point. Imagine every possible combination- divide that by six floors and you have yourself a mini scavenger hunt! 5 th floor After a l...

Florida, Day 2

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 12/28/2007 Uncle Eddie bid us farewell as we headed for PVB on Friday morning. (It will never make sense-it is an inside joke- just nod, grin and read on) We pulled into Ponte Vedra just in time for lunch at Woody's BBQ. A place with wit and wisdom covering the walls and plenty of fried things on the menu. (namely, deep fried corn on the cob and creamed corn nuggets) Coloring the patriotic menu while waiting on the "Assorted Fried Things Sampler" platter to arrive: How to spot a local PVB resident: (look in car cup holder) More wit & wisdom from Woody's walls: and my favorite nugget of advice: "The more you run over a dead possum, the flatter it gets" THE FOOD ARRIVES-Hungry Travelers are all smiles. Now it's time for a little confession- I love BBQ. Before my "vegetarian ways" kicked in, I could have eaten it for just about every meal. And we were at Woody', I hopped off the wagon for a quick "real mea...