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Showing posts from November, 2008

For All That We Have

Sometimes, it's the little things we forget to be thankful for: * courtesy of Lil' Bro's friend, Neely

Fisher's Birthday

Fisher turned 6 on November One. We celebrated at Chuck E Cheese with one of his favorite pals from Savannah, Devin. We also got to spend some quality time with MeeMee & PaPa.I made a cake, as usual, but also got one in the party package as some folks - namely Chandler- don't care for chocolate. (Fisher insisted on a chocolate b-day cake--he's worse than me when it comes to chocolate!) Well... skipping ahead one warm drive over into Savannah and a melted birthday cake later and I was glad to have more cake than we knew what to do with. My creation was edible but ugly. Thankfully, I learned a long time ago to take the cake's picture immediately after finishing it, so there is proof of what he was supposed to have for cake :) ((the cake is a very central figure in all birthdays in our home...almost as much a guest at the table as the rest of us living breathing souls... it bears its own unique character, as requested by the birthday child)) Fisher's birthday is always...

Ohio Drivers...again.

In what seems to be an unsinkable subject, my children have decided they are the go to experts on drivers from Ohio. At least, to hear them talk, you'd think they know every nuance and mannerism of a Buckeye behind the wheel. Take yesterday for instance, when I was exiting a parking lot and recieved a cheerful toot from the horn of a fellow driver ( of course I wasn't in the wrong!) Immediately this low growl began to rumble through the back seat "Darned Ohio Drivers!" my children cried... (not realizing that maybe, just maybe they were in the offending car) And so, I began my intercessory mediation " Just because someone blows their horn does not mean they are from Ohio" and really whatever else I said is not important, because they were ignoring me, continuing their line of conversation instead: "Did you see her plates?" Chan asked his sister, craning his neck to see out the back window in the event the car came near enough for him to share his d...

Catching Up

I am so many decades behind already, I'm not sure catching up to the current date in pictures, stories and activities is even possible, but for those of you who are still paying attention, a few pictures from Halloween and the day before. The alligator you see lives in one of the water hazards on the golf course... he/she is one of several that we call neighbor in Island West. I took my picture to "comfort" Momma :) The playground pics are the day before and if you ever want to play there too, it can be found  on Hilton Head @ one of my favorite places to hide from the world, Shelter Cove Harbour. We walked around taking in the calm of the boats bobbing on the water and then played in the playground for a while... conducting weights and levers experiments, seeing how many kids it takes to lift me- mom- on the teeter totter. (2 of the big ones :) Halloween morning it was pumpkin & skeleton pancakes with "Boo-tiful" orange milk for breakfast and then the pumpk...

The Salty Wife

In school, we were discussing Abraham, Lot and the story of Sodom & Gomorah. We talked about God's command for Lot to take his family and flee and the unfortunate pillar of salt incident that soon followed. Logan's observation was quick and resourceful: " Oh!... well, they could've used her to cook with then!"

15 minutes

So, apparently our neighborhood has its own googlesite... and there's evidence of our little soiree: Chili CookOff Victory Picture (Don't we all look thrilled?!) Also, see a few of the kids on this page .  ( most duplicate of what has already been posted here prior)

Obama Perspective

Some common sense from my brother's site: & Don't forget to check out more of ZO on his YouTube channel: MachoSauceProduction (links to MySpace & Facebook listed there too)