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Showing posts from September, 2012

When there's a BABY in the BED

All too familiar: 

Let Me Tell You....

We all need to remember....every single day... from whence we came....

LIfe's A Dance

On Saturday, during Fisher's baseball scrimmage, Rye was feeling like a "pin-cess"... and so she danced, the way she likes to do. A little after this, I had to set the camera down and join her in a waltz. She insisted.  She likes to have a dance partner. If life is a dance, I say she's got the right idea... :)


Happy Birthday Chandler! There was a birthday celebration at our house this weekend... Chandler turned, time flies!

Chandler Brice

Today, Chandler is officially a teenager... where does the time go? We will save all the expected parental sap, sadness and shock for a place more private than this- but it must be declared that we are blessed to have such a nice young man for a son...  ...indubitably . H A P P Y 1 3 T H B I R T H D A Y C H A N D L E R !   We Love  You!!

Jamela Rachel

JAMELA RACHEL My little sister is 25 today... or a quarter of a century, as she prefers to think of it... ;) J-aguar A-micable M-usical E-clectic L-yrical A-rtsy ~~~ R-eflective A-unt C-olorful H-uggy E-ffervescent L-lama? ~~~ Happy Birthday Jamela! 

Dallas Wiens

I am an unabashed prowler of library recycle bins- I especially look for magazines, because I like to cut those up - mince words if you will... On a good day, I will happen across a stack of The New Yorker  (leave that Yankee/Reb stuff at the door...I LIKE The New Yorker, ya'll...) In a recent back-issue of one such 'library adoption', the February13, 2012 issue, I read the article 'Transfiguration' .  It is the story of Dallas Wiens , one of the United States' first full face transplant recipients. Dallas lost his face when he was struck by an electric volt---while painting a church.  In the article, Dallas gives God glory and  proclaims his life one of transformation- from one who was living life for himself, to one who has submitted his life to God.  Dallas says he knows he was running from God and he believes God took his face to save his life... I'm including a video taken at what appears to be Dallas' former school, prior to the transplant surger...

31 Status

The folks at 31 Status want give Proverbs 31 a modern translation, live that translation out loud and encourage young ladies to choose likewise . I'm just learning about this group - (thanks to looking for more material by Janette...Ikz ) but it resonates with my Titus 2 leanings.  Perhaps we'll have a 31Status Chapter start up in our neighborhood....

On Waiting...

This artist/spoken word piece aired on Wretched recently... it captures well what I'd like to tell those who wait...and for those who should've but didn't?  Our God is greater... He really is. He is a God of Mercy and Grace and Restoration. He can mend the broken and restore what the locusts have eaten... if you allow Him to. Look for more by Jeanette Ikz in the near future- I like her.

JEDI School

This video is from before we moved ... back when Aletheia held JEDI Classes...I hadn't had time to flip it around (it was filmed sideways) until this morning: 

Atomic Alarm

We watched a documentary on atomic bombs.  Riley found it shocking.  The Big Kids found her hilarious. Chandler grabbed the camera (excuse my unpainted barn) and hit rewind on the video a dozen times in order to capture and re-capture her reaction.  It was a blast.   ;) 

Peg Leg Pete

1985 2011

Slugs & Bugs Bonus

I mentioned Slugs & Bugs in the last post- they're quirky.  Riley fell asleep to a playlist of their videos/music last night including 'God  Made Me'  (not  Bob !)   and my personal favorite (this five minutes) ' BEARS' ... enjoy! ( '...but if you don't mind your momma, they just might come and eat you...' ~mm1:37 )

Time Machine

Moving here has been good for my soul in many ways- but, given my 'transient' disposition in life thus far ( 36+  moves, my friends), one of my favorite aspects about this island is that it has been a part of my life from an early age... it's a little like moving home, and a lot like starting fresh, too.  I have been scanning in a roll of film that I made copies of last time I visited my parents - some of it is my earliest memory of Fernandina (though I am told I came here before I could crawl well)  The other pictures, some of you dear to my heart will recognize right off... the Cousin Playroom, the Nazarene Church... some sort of Family-Get-Together-Involving-Lap-Trays @ Idlewylde... and for the handful of you that have no idea why that blue carpet on the church porch is important... stay tuned! Photo Album

Blues Festival Begin

THIS is setting up across the street... looking forward to a musical weekend!

BOB Made Me?!

Rye All Ready For Church Awhile back, I happened across this post regarding the old school tradition of catechizing children (big fan of that here at Aletheia!) Cheerios ® with a Side of Catechism If you click over, you'll find a link to songs designed to help teach even the little tykes responses to catechism questions, as well as a printable checklist of catechism questions .  What I liked most about this article & printout, in contrast to the other materials we have used in the past, is the inclusion of tots...  Rye will be 2 in November and we are already beginning to teach her.  She can respond properly, and she has, but lately she has begun to tap into her sense of humor and has learned how to, precocious about various things.  Including Question #1.  (She feels no need to be sassy about "What does the letter A say?" I guess theology has an affect on us all, no?) The child knows she's funny and has already learned to play into that... ( Hea...

Baby Blackberry

Itching to blog a little, but it must be prioritized.... in the meantime : Blackberries. Baby.


SOLITUDE By Ella Wheeler Wilcox Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone; For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer; Sigh, it is lost on the air; The echoes bound to a joyful sound, But shrink from voicing care. Rejoice, and men will seek you; Grieve, and they turn and go; They want full measure of all your pleasure, But they do not need your woe. Be glad, and your friends are many; Be sad, and you lose them all,— There are none to decline your nectared wine, But alone you must drink life’s gall. Feast, and your halls are crowded; Fast, and the world goes by. Succeed and give, and it helps you live, But no man can help you die. There is room in the halls of pleasure For a large and lordly train, But one by one we must all file on Through the narrow aisles of pain.

DeJa Vu

Prize elephant from the same claw game " MUPPY " was won.  Blown into a puddle.  Went through the wash.  Lost arm. Stitched.  "So Much Betta Now..." (~Rye) Elephant Amputee  stitch Recovering Nicely

Berry Good

Berry Good Breakfast

Something Else...

Yes, she is. 

Rye @ 22 months

Rye is 22 months old. ~Riley Wren~ PHOTOS  Friends From The Start

To Go...

Yes, but how much will the DUI cost? Is this really a good idea?

Aletheia: Begin Again

The sun rises on the first day of school... 2012-2013 school year Chandler Brice ~7th Grade Logan Aleece ~ 6th Grade Fisher Kai ~ 4th Grade-ish Riley Wren ~ Boss of Everything/Yearbook Photographer

Labor Day 2012

Kites Soaring Outside of Sliders to Welcome Labor Day Guests Went to Sliders .  R E L A X E D .  That is all.  Labor Day 2012