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Microfiction Challenge: Top 15

I recently entered a microfiction challenge . We were randomly assigned a genre, keyword and action to include in a 100 word story. This week, I found out I made the Top 15 finalist cut for my group. This means I will be given new prompts and 24 hours to write another 100 word story for Round Two... soon.  Round One:  Genre : r omantic comedy Word : bask Action : taking an X-ray  Catching The Red Eye To San Rio by Kelly Brewer “Sir, your shoes?” I slowly put my loafers on the conveyor to bask in x-rays. I had hoped to keep this morning’s wardrobe mishap to myself, but now the danger of exploding sneakers demanded I bare my soles to the cutest TSA agent in the terminal. My socks stood out like a sixth toe. I saw her notice and looked away. I must’ve turned three shades pinker than the socks on my feet. But when she smirked ‘I love Hello Kitty, too!” I looked right into her eyes. And the rest, as they say, is history, Kit. Our family history. Judges' Feedback: WHAT...

First Day

 "This is the first day of my life..."  I set my alarm to that old Bright Eyes song and slept somewhat fitfully last night, anticipating today - the day I start something new.  I am going to school.  I enrolled in college a few times when I was married, but 'mysteriously', before the first day ever rolled around, we needed to move or I needed to take a part-time job to help make ends meet.  So, I never made it to school, though I was able to take a few online classes.  Today marks the first day in a life I am choosing, a new direction that- crash or sail- I am happy to be living.  I never realized how isolation worked until I was free to build community, how innocuous the actions of a fence-builder can seem.  " I've just got too much work to do, we can't visit   " and " We're our own little family, let's make new traditions together, just ourselves. " is hardly sinister, until it is an enforced way of life.  That is to say, going to...

How Marvelous

Softly, from the backseat, as we pulled away from the little wooden chapel in the wildwood,  I heard my ten year old singing:  " How marvelous, how wonderful ..." As if she realized I was listening to her, she said "I didn't know all the words to that song"  So I pulled it up on Spotify and we sang or way home.  ~*~ Now she is planning a concert in the park. As soon as tomorrow, if the weather allows, but someday this week, at the very latest. She doesn't want to miss her chance she says, because her week with the parent who can be talked into such adventures (me)  will soon be past.  She thinks she will add her new favorite, 'How Marvelous' to her song list. " Maybe if I sing it a little more rock-and-roll-ish to match my style ? "  she wonders aloud I smirk at the irony she can't see and pull a more contemporary version of " I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)" up on Spotify.  ' Hey, they stole my idea!' she says...

Rafter Cats

A few weeks ago, I discovered 7 newborn kittens on my back porch.  Last week, I discovered mangled fur and that their box had been moved.  My aunt disposed of the remains- so mangled a count was not possible, but it appeared all were lost. Today, I discovered 5 kittens, tucked safely in the rafters above where their original box had been.  One tumbled, uninjured, from it's high tower.  We extracted the other kittens and now, reunited, they await whatever plan we come up with to get them fed and keep them safe until they're big enough to... fly the nest. 


The shore is lined with us,   Our phones lifted toward the rising sun- Empty cups waiting to be filled,  And spilled.  4/9/2021 "Waking" 

Cake For Breakfast

The idea was to allow them to honor their dad, despite our lack of money.  I encouraged it and even offered to help.  He said he couldn't accept the gift from his children because his new wife may feel disrespected. Perhaps he is living his best life now, but I admit my lack of envy.  In the morning, I found two forks and the tribute diminished.  They'd had cake for breakfast and assured me the disrespect he'd shown them was perfectly delicious.   

Like Scrooge on Christmas Day

I've wept with ghosts of Christmases past. But, oh! We've laughed as we reminisced, too.  I've soaked up the joy of this Christmas present: having my children present.  I've been haunted by the darkened rooms of Christmases  yet to come.  But this little light, born unto us, is mine - and yours as well.  Darkness can't put it out.  In fact, the dark helps us to find it.  *** As we watched old family videos, through laughter and gentle tears, I realized that almost everything I've ever photographed or recorded has really just been me, telling a story about how grateful I am for this life.  Back when I put this video together, I wanted my children to know they are deeply loved - by me and their Creator. That they would learn how to multiply that love and spend it lavishly on others, like Scrooge on Christmas Day.  That desire has only deepened with time.  Further up, further in and farther along... Merry Christmas from me and the Fantastic...

better (together)

My brother and I used to play a more extreme version of Floor Is Lava called 'I Can Do Something More Dangerouser Than You Can' (we have both increased orgrammar skills dramatically since the game's creation) In our version, not only was the floor lava, but the furniture was  akin to an Indiana Jones scene, requiring great leaps,  twists and tumbles. Hazards were everywhere.  After one of us cleared various obstacles, the observing sibling declared ' I can do something more dangerouser than you!' followed by a declaration of what new stunt we would be tracking onto the routine. (I will flip from the ottoman to the sofa like you did AND jump onto the chair!)  The game continued like that until we got caught standing on the furniture and had to think up something new to play.   Years later, I heard the little song "Anything You Can Do I can Do Better" and I realized it was the same concept of our childhood game.  Last year, I turned 40  This...

author, author

My second book released today on Amazon:  50 Things To Know About Teaching STEAM:   The publisher ended up modifying the cover to fit the overall series theme, so if you see two different covers, that's why. Same content inside - and that's what really counts, right?  Please don't feel compelled to buy this book if we know each other. My goal is to add to my long dormant resume and build a portfolio to share my writing style.

Pecans In Pie

In case you're wondering, 160ish pecans collected in a park from one's distant memories equals roughly 2cups of shelled pecans after taxes, duds. and the quality control efforts of a junior chef supervising the making of pie. pie. Another helpful tip you may want to tuck away for future reference: in a pinch, kitchen tongs can double as a nutcracker.  Things I've taken for granted:  every pecan in every pie, ever proper kitchen tools #TakenForGranted #ThinksGiving #Thankful