I love my pastor's heart for other pastors. He didn't realize a photo would be shared when he sent the text, he just wanted to encourage a fellow pastor as their church plant launched this morning. I am grateful for the understanding that others may not see: it's an authentic love. It's not some shallow attempt at networking or building a bigger platform. Here's how I know: Once upon a time, my pastor and I shared the same pastor. And he will always kind of be our pastor- he's our dad. If you've never heard NeedToBreathe's 'Washed By The Water' , go now, listen. It explains the backstory well enough . ** If you are a fellow PK who finds this song relatable, you are my tribe. I love you. While it is sad and a shame there are so many of us, it is not a waste, my dear friend. And I'm here for you ** God has taken a season of hurt, betrayal and dismay in our family's life and turned it into a harvest of love, multiplied. Just...